Also known as ‘cedula’, a CTC or Community Tax Certificate is usually a documentary requirement in most business, financial and various other transactions. A cedula is processed in your barangay hall or the Angeles City Hall.
At the Angeles City Hall, simply proceed to the Taxpayer’s Lounge and fill up a data slip. Submit the filled up slip at the City Treasurer’s Office Windows 9 or 10 and pay corresponding fee. At either of said windows, someone will then receive your slip and begin preparing your community tax certificate or cedula, sign it and issue it to you. The whole process normally takes anywhere between eight to twelve minutes.
You must be a certified resident of Angeles City, at least 18 years old and a community tax payer. Bring a valid identification card and fee varies depending on whether you are a corporation, an individual who is self-employed or an employee, however basic community tax fee is P5.00 for individuals and P500.00 for corporations. If you are a business establishment, make sure that you are prepared with your approved gross receipt in order to obtain a cedula and in order to pay the correct fees.
Getting a tax community tax certificate in Angeles City is easy, quick and the system is efficiently set up to ensure that citizens are accorded quality service.