A PhilHealth or Philippine Health Insurance ID is extremely helpful in times of sickness and hospitalization. More and more Angelenos are realizing the benefit of being a PhilHealth member because of the huge discount it accords them whenever they are hospitalized. But how does one become a PhilHealth Member and how does one obtain a PhilHealth ID?
To register, the PhilHealth Office is located at the Ground Floor of the Angeles Business Center along Doña Teresa Avenue in Nepo Quadrangle. You need to fill out two copies of the registration form or PMRF and submit the following requirements together with it:
- Two pieces of 1×1 ID pictures
- Two valid identification cards;
Depending on your employment status, you can also bring a photocopy of any of the following documents:
a)Retiree or Pensioner Certification which must indicate date of effectivity of retirement
b)GSIS Retirement Voucher
c)Service Record
d)Death, Disability and Retirement Certificate
e)Documents that indicate number of months of premium payments made to PhilHealth
f)Official Philhealth premium payment receipts
After submitting your documents and ID’s, you need to wait for few minutes for the printing of your Member Data Record (MDR) and PhilHealth ID Card.